Sunday, February 20, 2011

The House That Breathes

Lectionary Reading 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23

Building the kingdom is like building a house. Apostle Paul speaks to people of a long heritage of faith. It is a long line-a spiritual heritage which has seen great political kings and kingdoms come and go- Egyptian, Babylonian, Syrian, Sumerian, Persian, Roman. These ancient superpowers came against generations in this spiritual linage. All these kingdoms came and went, but this spiritual house remained, and came to it’s fullness at the cross. Christ showed us the ultimate example in kingdom of God ways, ways that don’t make sense to the cultures around us. His peaceful ways were a contrast to our warring world. His putting himself on the line in the name of love and mercy began a counter-cultural move which points us still today toward his Kingdom. A kingdom where mercy disarms our idea of justice, and love disarms hate and violence. In the spirit of Jesus, architect of our faith, we are being built into a living, breathing, house of faith, hope and love. It’s so simple we could miss it. But let’s not miss it!

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