I’ve got good news and bad news! First, the good news: we’re almost done serving our term! The bad news (like we needed to be told!) is that we all have made choices deserving of being sentenced to a term in our own personal cell of consequences! Knowing our state, and refusing to leave us to our own deserved path, God so loved us that he sent his Son. God knew our track record of choices. And God would not be content to let us remain in separation from him, at least not without offering us the choice of his presence, if we would so choose to believe in him, and live! Jesus is the real, live, answer to the root of our problems.
And we can be as joyful as any expectant parent, because we know what to expect: Jesus to come into our mess, and be our cure, our freedom to begin again, free and loved!
Isaiah 40:1-11 is the inspiration for this blog. The prophet foresees the birth of Christ, bringing the salvation answer to our personal and corporate ‘prison terms’ that we are in on account of our sinful choices.