Have you ever gotten so into the song playing in your earphones that you lost ‘sight’ of those around you and started singing, oblivious to the fact that, though you aren’t paying any attention to them, they are beginning to pay attention to you and your singing? And, they don’t know how awesome you sound with the music! It happened to me. I was shocked back into reality when someone in the room got my attention, I took the earplug out of my ear, and, very politely the lady asked, if I was going to sing, could I tune into the same station playing on the boombox in the room.
Apostle Paul has a similar wakeup call to a group of his friends. He asks, if you can at all understand the beautiful love song the Savior has been singing to you, then, will you do me a favor, and tune into the same love song and sing it in unison? If God’s extravagant love is as real to us as we say it is, let’s get on the same page of the song. Let’s love each other, and the world, like our lives depended upon it.
[Lectionary Year A- Proper 21- for September 25, 2011]