Sunday, March 25, 2012

Like Honey
Honey attracts. So does Jesus! He told us “as I am lifted up,…[I] will attract everyone to me…” (from John 12:20-33, The Message)  I got a chance this week to once again see a child of God profess faith in Christ! It came after years of one woman seeing Jesus in others. It came in the great personal suffering of her own, and in those in whom she saw Jesus, even as they, too, had sufferings.

The light of Christ shines bright even when, or perhaps especially when, we are in far from ideal circumstances. After all, the cross was an unspeakable suffering, yet Christ brought us new life through his own suffering, death, and resurrection. The addition of souls to God’s kingdom happens as God does a work that only he can do in hearts, while he desires to shine through us, using each of us uniquely as those whom he created us to be.

What a mystery! Only our Lord can do a restoration within a soul, yet he wants to make us instruments through which people come to this awesome place in their lives! It’s awesome to know, and, awesome to witness as people come the saving knowledge of Christ! May this harvest of souls keep on coming!  

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