Monday, April 2, 2012

The Door Buster

Damascus Gate.
 A couple of days ago my wife and I heard a loud bang at 5a.m.  It was the back door of our back porch. Our beloved dog, Lili, had just jumped on the door and burst right through it! At about 78 pounds of raw instinctive might, she had apparently just seen a squirrel or cat, and decided to save the world single handedly (paws actually.) Her instinct to get through that door was amazing!  (I caught her before she had a chance to get at any small creatures-no animal was harmed in the illustration of this blog.)
We all have times that we must wait for God to open the door to the next chapter in our life. We want to bust it open, pray it open, wish and hope it open, but really it takes an act of God!
As Jesus burst through the gates of Jerusalem to face his life’s mission, the real work was not just a happy entrance through that door. It was in his life’s work in the days to come after going through that door.
It’s the same with us. God makes a way for new chapters. But then, there is plenty of work for us to be about, as we follow (not lead) our Savior in the work of the kingdom. Jesus is the door Buster. We’re the followers and servants. It’s a great arrangement!

For the story of the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem, see John 11:1-11.

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