Monday, March 28, 2011

Not the Biggest Loser anymore

Lectionary passage Romans 5:1-11 Seeing life by way of the cross, we see that nothing can keep us from what God has for us. Case in point- All the injustice surrounding the trial and suffering of Jesus did not keep him from fulfilling his purpose. In fact, all the evil choices of those who crucified him only served to make the kingdom of God come in more power than ever before! Of all the times we are tried and tested to think otherwise, by the things that we do or by what others do, or by the condition of what is going on in this world, we are never losers! ‘…we are never left feeling shortchanged…’ [the message Ro 5:4] The reality of the cross means that we are made right with God and life in God in ways that were not humanly earned and cannot humanly be taken away. Being made right with God is a gift purchased on the cross, and we gladly accept and live out the life purchased for us. We have a winning life waiting for us to life out, and live out to its fullest!

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