Lectionary reading: Matthew 4:1-11
Jesus faced all the same tests of life that we face. As he faced starting his calling, he took 40 days to sharpen his focus and clear his head before diving in to the challenge. And just as we hear the whisperings of the accuser as he tries to muddy the waters of our concentration, so did Jesus. He kept his eye to the goal and knew the answers to these accusations all ready, answers based on what he knew of his father and what he knew of his calling and goal. Satan tested Jesus at the time when Jesus was physically hungry, 40 days into his spiritual discipline. But even as Jesus’ body was weak, his will to stay on task was strong. Spiritual training is a real test, but it draws forth strength, more strength than was there before the testing and trying. Satan tested Jesus by taking him to the pinnacle of Herod’s newly rebuilt masterpiece of a temple, not just a monument to spiritual worship, but also a monument to Herod’s desire to make a name for himself. Not many people can withstand being at the pinnacle of human achievement, recognition and fame. Hollywood stars fall from the limelight daily as the things of this world refuse to give them the satisfaction that does not come from without. Finally, Satan tempts Jesus with the awesomeness of creation, an awesome creation which is meant to draw our praise and worship out of us and onto the creator. But Satan wants Jesus, who is in view on the mountaintop of all the wonders of God, to give worship to himself instead. Jesus is ready with an answer from the Psalms- worship is directed at God alone.
The daily tests of life can be won today the same way that Jesus won them. He remembered who he was, why he was here, and who he needed to listen to, and who he didn’t. We are here for the good plans God has for us. We are here to enjoy life in Jesus. We do not have to believe the voice of the accuser tell us who we are and what we should do. We have the voice of truth, who has smacked down our opponent, and made the way for us- we Wrestle With Fear and win in the name of Jesus!
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